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Canoyer Garden Center

The Challenge

Canoyer Garden Center’s objective throughout 2021 was to expand awareness of their facility, introducing themselves to neighborhoods and consumers while by gaining recognition across the Omaha community through events.

The Approach

The strategic approach was executed through multiple tactics using qualitative research indexing above 120 for consumer interest in gardening and plants. Additional in-market data included perennial plant, gardening, flower, flowering plant, outdoor plant, household plant, gardening tips, succulents, vegetable gardens, as well as in-market data to purchase garden and plant/supplies.

These tactics included

  • Television
  • Radio
  • On-Air Sponsorships
  • Business Spotlights and Interviews
  • Digital Display Banners
  • Social Media Ads
  • Community/Family Friendly Activities & Educational Events

The Impact


The result was 84.8% reach and 13 frequency generating more than 5 million impressions. We were able to reach a digital audience of over 420,000 people generating over 2.7 million impressions, and over 56,000 engagements at a 2.17% engagement rate with an average of 2 minutes spent with content.


Events lead to record responses generating over 7,000 event inquiries and responses.


Overall, the exceeded reach and frequency expectations helped bolster sales by 40% over the previous year.